My name is Yosef Sachs, I am the founder and CEO of ELARI.
I have 7 children, five of them are from 1 month to 12 years old. Therefore, I am well acquainted with battles over a smartphone. The idea of KidGram came to my mind a couple of years ago, after another lost battle for the right to watch “meme videos”. I started thinking about the fact that today, several billions of children receive education and gain values not from their parents, wise teachers or books but from YouTube, Tik-Tok and so on. And we just have to mix it up with useful brain food.
Chocolate and chips are not food
As responsible parents, we try to monitor what our children eat. I agree that childhood without sweets, chips and ice cream is not really a childhood. However, we do not allow our children to gobble up these unhealthy sweets from morning to evening. And we organize the family life so that the primary children's food is useful for the growth and development of their bodies, while chocolate, pizza, coke and other delights only appear in their diet occasionally.
That being said, when it comes to nourishing a child's unformed mind and consciousness, many parents fail to offer their children a balanced "content diet". It is unlikely that we can completely avoid simplistic videos, cartoons and games. However, some smartphone time should definitely be dedicated to content that can provide children with essential knowledge and values and help them to grow up to be strong, kind, sympathetic and self-confident people.
Parents should decide what brain food their children consume
KidGram was created as a tool for parents to finally be calm that the content available to their children is harmless and helps them develop and grow as positive people. With KidGram, it is parents who decide whether a child will get access to one or the other Telegram channel or will get to communicate with certain contacts.
KidGram - a closet with healthy food that’s always available
Using the powerful mechanisms that control children's access to applications built into OS Android or iOS (which we also talk about on this site), parents can limit the time children spend on games and content “dumps", such as YouTube, Tik-Tok, etc., where children are immediately attracted to delicious info garbage. Instead, parents will be able to let their children access KidGram, where a child's mind, hungry for all types of content, will receive only the parent-approved media and Telegram channels. There is a lot of positive and useful content on the Internet, but children rarely choose it themselves when they see alternatives. Same as opening a refrigerator without supervision, they are unlikely to go with a healthy head of broccoli over a chocolate ice cream.
And we will try to help parents fill up this ever-available closet - KidGram - with healthy food for children's minds, so that children can grow up to be smart, versatile and, most importantly, kind.